This wet trunked plants usually grow in the open at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Single leaf emerging from the tuber. Shape rounded leaves with pointed tip of a heart-shaped. The color is fresh green. These mice taro tuber spherical average of nutmeg. The inside and outside the white bulb. Reproductively owner, can use the tuber or saplings that grew from these roots. In the dry season, these plants appeared again on the surface of the soil from the tubers buried in soil.
In manufacturing, the part that is needed is the entire plant, both leaves, until the tuber. Everything is crushed and added a little water. Then filter the drinking water every day. This plant was warm, acidic, and toxic. Taro rats efficacious as anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammation, and can freeze the blood or reduce bleeding.
Because plants are poisonous species, hence requiring special handling, because it can cause itching in the throat, mouth and skin. For that when washed, the water in a state of flow. in addition, can also add honey to get rid of itching in the mouth.
Although the type of plant have been widely used as drugs, both made in patent medicines and traditional, but for severe disease are required to always consult with a physician. For external use, all rats taro plant material mixed with some others, pulverized, and placed on the affected part. Meanwhile, for use in, a total of 50 grams of taro mashed rodents and other materials, plus boiled water, filtered and drunk.
For external use, all rats taro plant material mixed with some others, pulverized, and placed on the affected part. Meanwhile, for use in, a total of 50 grams of taro mashed rodents and other materials, plus boiled water, filtered and drunk.
Some diseases that can be overcome by treatment with taro out mice, such as first aid for snake bites or centipedes, pyoderma, furunculus, hemangioma, wounds, ulcers, and raspberries.
While the disease can be overcome through the use of breast cancer among others. For this disease, are used throughout the plant keladid rats, mashed and added 40 cc of boiled water, then filtered. Honey can be added into it. Let stand for 30 minutes before eating. Solution was drunk by the routine three times a day. For patients with gastric disorders, the solution was drunk after a meal.
nice info bro, breast cancer information
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