There are few curricula have been developed today, such as:
1. Curriculum 1994
2. Curriculum 2004
3. Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)
4. Level of Education curriculum unit (KTSP)
In the development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), which vary based on National Education Standards (SNP) to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National Standards of Education Content Standard, Standard Process, Competency standards Passed, Education Workforce Standards, Standards for Infrastructure, Standards Management, Financing Standards, Assessment Standards. Two of the eight standards, which are nsional education and Competency Standards Content Standard Passed is the main reference for the education unit in developing curriculum.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 (UU 20/2003) about the System of National Education and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 (PP 19/2005) about the National Standards of Education has mandated curriculum unit level education of primary and secondary levels of education have been prepared by educational unit based on the content standards and pass the competency standards and is guided by the guidelines established by the BSNP.
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the SBC is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
KTSP Emphasis is on developing the ability to do (competence) and tasks with specific performance standards so the results can be felt by students in the form of mastery of a set of specific competencies. This educational program standard device should be able to deliver students to have a competency of knowledge, and values used in various fields of life.
Indeed, KTSP is a curriculum that reflects the knowledge, skills and attitudes which refers to the concept of education as suggested by Bloom, which in turn can improve students' potentials optimally. Accordingly, the curriculum is prepared to foster the learning process in schools oriented mastery competencies that have been determined by integrative. OH developed is able to adapt to various changes (containing the basic principles, are flexible in accordance with the times) and its development through the accreditation process that allows the subjects can be modified within their growing demands. Thus, this curriculum is the development of knowledge, understanding, abilities, values, attitudes and interests, to perform a skill or task in the form of skills and sense of responsibility. Furthermore, this curriculum is a curriculum design that was developed based on a number of specific competencies, so that after completing a certain educational level, students are expected to master a series of competencies and apply them in later life.
KTSP implementation in Indonesian education system does not just change the curriculum, but it involves fundamental changes in the education system. Application of KTSP requires a paradigm shift in teaching and schooling, because the application of KTSP not only caused changes in concepts, methods and strategies of teachers in teaching, but also concerning the pattern of thought to carry away, philosophically, the commitment of teachers, schools and education stakeholders.
In KTSP placed teachers as facilitators and mediators who help keep students' learning process goes well. The main attention on students learning, not on discipline or the teacher. The function of a facilitator or mediator that means, namely: (1) to provide learning experiences that enable students are responsible to make design and process; (2) provide or provide activities that stimulate students' curiosity and help them to express ideas, provide the means that stimulating students to think productively, provide opportunities and experiences of conflict, (3) monitor, evaluate, and indicates whether the student thought the road or not. Teacher shows and questioned whether students apply knowledge to deal with new problems. Teachers help students evaluate hypotheses and conclusions.
- Centered on the potential, progress, needs and interests of learners and their environment The curriculum was developed based on the principle that learners has a central position to develop their competence in order a human being faithful and obedient to God's compassion Esa, morality, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and becomes citizens of a democratic and accountable. For support the achievement of these goals competence development adjusted for potential learners, progress, needs, and interests of learners as well as environmental demands.
- Diverse and integrated
The curriculum was developed with attention to diversity learner characteristics, local conditions, and levels and types of education, without distinction of religion, ethnicity, culture and customs, as well as socioeconomic status and gender. The curriculum includes substance mandatory component of curriculum content, local content, and development
an integrated self, and have been prepared in the relevance and sustainability
antarsubstansi meaningful and appropriate. - Response to the development of science and art
The curriculum was developed on the basis of the awareness that science knowledge, technology and art of growing dynamically, and by Therefore the spirit and content of the curriculum encourages students to followed and properly utilize the development of science
knowledge, technology and art. - Be relevant to the needs of life
Curriculum development conducted by involving stakeholders interests (stakeholders) to ensure the relevance of education with needs of life, including life community, business world and the world of work. Therefore, development of personal skills, thinking skills,
social skills, academic skills, and skills is a vocational necessity. - Comprehensive and continuous
The substance of the curriculum covers all dimensions of competency, field scholarly study and subjects who planned and presented for all sustainable levels of education. - Long Life Learning
The curriculum is directed to the development process, acculturation and empowerment of learners that lasted a lifetime. The curriculum reflects the linkages between the elements of education formal, nonformal and informal, to conditions and demands an environment that is always evolving and the development direction human beings. - Balance between national interests and regional interests
The curriculum was developed by taking into account the national interests and local interests to build a social life, state and nation. National interests and the interests of
area must complement and empower in line with the motto Unity in Diversity within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
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