

Monday, May 24, 2010

Contextual Teaching Learning

Contextual learning is learning that allows students to apply their academic knowledge and skills in solving real world issues or problems that simulated.
A concept that help teachers to link the subject content with real-world situations and motivates students to make the relationship between knowledge and its application in their lives as a family member, a citizen and labor.

Seven Key Elements of CTL:

1. Inquiri
  • Beginning with the observation of activities in order to understand the concept.
  • The cycle consists of the activities observing, questioning, analyzing, and formulating theories, either individually or together with other friends.
  • Develop and use critical thinking skills at the same time.
2. Questioning
  • Used by teachers to encourage, guide and assess students' thinking abilities.
  • Used by students during the conduct of activities based inquiri.
3. Constructivism
  • Develop self-understanding of new experiences based on previous experience.
  • A deep understanding developed through meaningful experiences.
4. Learning Communities
  • Working with others to create learning is better than learning itself.
5. Modelling
  • Thinking about your own learning process.
  • Demonstrate how you want students to learn.
  • Doing what you want to enable students to perform.
6. Authentic Assessment
  • Measure students' abilities and skills.
  • Requires the application of knowledge or skills.
  • Assessment of the product or performance.
  • The tasks are contextual and relevant.
  • The process and product can be measured both.
7. Reflection
  • Ways to think about what we've learned.
  • Revising and respond to events, activities, and experiences.
  • Keep track of what we have learned, how we feel the new ideas.
  • May be a variety of forms: journals, discussions, and the work / art.


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