Kudus Minaret is an old building made of red brick-shaped tower that is the result of acculturation of the Hindu-Javanese culture and Islam. The minaret is not a Hindu temple but a former building of the tower which was built in the days of status as guardian / the transition period from the end of the Majapahit Kingdom era to switch to the Islamic Kingdom of Demak.
The construction and architectural style of the minaret is similar to the temples of East Java, the Majapahit era until such Singosari temple towers resembling Jago Kulkul in Bali. Kudus Minaret became the symbol "tolerant Islam" which means Sunan Kudus disseminate Islam in Kudus by respecting the Hindu-Javanese who embraced the local community. Kudus Minaret is a tower that used to put a drum and used to inform the public about prayer time.
When the minaret was built?
It is estimated that the minaret is derived from 16th century, was built by Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq (Sunan Kudus, one of Wali Songo). On the roof of the tower mast there is a candrasengkala which reads "Gapura rusak ewahing jagad". According to Prof. DR RM Soetjipto Wirjosoepano, candrasengkala shows Gapuro (6), Rusak (0), Ewah (6) and Jagad (1) which in the Javanesse language is read from the back so that a meaningful 1609. Kudus Minaret was built in 1609 or 1685 AD Java.
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