Migraine is divided into four groups, namely:
Common migraine
Most migraine sufferers generally suffer from migraine this group, with symptoms such as throbbing pain on one side of the head with moderate to severe intensity. If it is severe, the patient can not move because it always felt nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells. The pain will go away within 4 to 72 hours.
Classical Migraine
This type of migraine is generally preceded by symptoms called aura, which is visually impaired like seeing wavy lines, bright light, dark spots or can not see objects clearly.
Other aura symptoms, is a sense of tingling or numbness in the hand. Most people can not pronounce the words properly, felt numbness in the hand, shoulder, or face, or feel weak on one side of his body, or feel confused.
Patients may experience one or several kinds of symptoms, although not arise simultaneously. Symptoms generally occur 30 minutes prior to this pain, can be lost or survive until the pain in his head to attack.
Menstrual Migraine
Migraine is typically arise several days before, during or after menstruation. Migraine sufferers will know that he was feeling, dealing with her menstrual cycle. The pain is felt, could be as common or classical migraine.
Migraine Complications
This type of migraine is often accompanied by nervous system disorders, such as numbness and tingling of the skin, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, inability to move arms or legs. Neurological symptoms can persist despite the migraine had been cured.
Migraine trigger factors
- Consumption of certain foods
- Sleeping too much or lack of sleep
- Not eating
- Changes in weather or air pressure
- Stress or emotional distress
- The smell was terrible or cigarette smoke
- A very bright light or reflection of sunlight.
Migraine sufferers should be cautious in consuming the food, because there are some foods that can trigger a migraine (although depending on the sensitivity of each individual), for example:
1. Alcohol
Alcohol including diuretics or substances that cause dehydration, which can trigger migraines. Although red wine has a dual function in the opposite, because it is rich in phenolic element which is very good for the heart, but red wine can also trigger migraines.
2. Caffeine
Despite taking it helps relieve migraines, but actually it is not recommended be done for the sufferer. Because if they are addicted, less consumption of caffeine will actually trigger a migraine. When you just want to stop the migraine, one glass is enough.
3. Cheese
Although still pros and cons, but some experts say the cheese is one of the triggers of migraine. Tyramin amino acid element contained in the cheese, expected to lead to a headache because it reduces the levels of serotonin in the brain that disrupt the rhythm of blood flow.
4. Food Additives
The migraine sufferer is generally said that they are very sensitive to foods that contain MSG, Nitrite, aspartame (artificial sweetener), tetrazin and sulfite (found in alcoholic beverages and wine).
FOOD & DRINK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR people with migraine:
1. White Water
Dehydration can cause headaches, because it decreases blood volume and blood flow affect the rhythm. Maintain body fluids by drinking at least two and a half liters of water a day.
2. Oatmeal
These foods release energy slowly, so that helps maintain blood sugar levels more stable.
3. Nuts
Just as porridge, beans also release energy slowly.
4. Ginger
Ginger can reduce discomfort in the stomach (nausea), which usually come with a headache. Drinks or ginger biscuits, can be consumed as food additives.
5. Low-fat foods
Control blood fat with low-fat foods, because it is associated with migraine. Reduce fried foods, sauces and saturated fatty foods. Meet the needs of protein from fish or poultry meat.
source: halohalo.co.id
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